Will Your Company’s Initial Public Offering be Successful?

Will Your Company’s Initial Public Offering be Successful?

When the time comes to take your private company, public, through an Initial Public Offering (IPO), what steps can you take to make it as successful as possible?  Your company is your prized possession that you have built over a long period of time, and you don’t want to be disappointed or lose some of the investment you have put into it.

Deloitte, one of the big four CPA firms, says that timing is important.  A survey of 3000 private company executives, across several industries, say it is the most important factor, but planning for and executing at the right time is very difficult, because of the many market factors that are out of your control.

Running a close second, as the most important factor in the survey, was building a strong team and business infrastructure.  Those things are in your control, and will be a strong key in the success of your IPO.  The critical steps to take, according to Deloitte, are to create a business model that has the potential to sustain growth.  After that, rally around you a strong team to walk you through the IPO process and beyond.  That includes knowledgeable people on IT systems, internal controls and processes, business and legal matters, and leadership team effectiveness.

Remember that financial planning, reporting and forecasting are key, so build your infrastructure to enable those systems.  Finally, make your financial reporting closing process as smooth as possible, and implement appropriate risk management practices.  Once you have strengthened your business with these steps, you are ready to begin the IPO process, but don’t rush it.  Give it adequate time to develop so it is done right. 

This advice is supported by Cooley LLP in its 25 Considerations in Preparing for an IPO, by Entrepreneur Magazine in its 5 Essential Steps to Prepare for an IPO, and by the other three big four CPA firms, E-Y, KPMG, and PWC.

With a strong business structure, and a knowledgeable and experienced team, like the Bradshaw Law Group, your chances of a successful and profitable IPO will be greatly increased.  They will walk you through the entire, complicated IPO process, from inception to completion, making it understandable and comfortable for you.

Making sure you are in full compliance with all SEC regulations and procedures is the primary focus of the law firm of Wilson, Bradshaw & Cao, LLP a boutique securities law firm in Irvine, California and New York City.  Your success in filing your initial public offering and staying in good standing with the SEC will bring lasting benefits to your company.